family members pc needs a reinstall and i got drafted.
never had to deal with volume license at work, and apparently one of my family members has a volume license key for office. figured out how to turn a volume license windows key into not all B’s but no idea what to do with word. anyone got a bone to throw my way? with “Microsoft office professional plus installer” i just get volume license key errors.
The volume license keys are well-known keys and can’t be used to activate Office on their own. Typically in a corporate network you would have a license server which does the actual activation when a volume license is used.
Is it possible that your family member obtained their “license key” from Google?
You can call into MS Online registration. There is a phone tree path that will take you to the volume licensing section if you don’t have a local licensing server.
family member in the computer the “computer janitor” business gave the laptop to the not very computer literate family member when they went to collage. no piracy involved.