VMware ESXI 7.0/8.0 download?

For posterity’s sake, where is a safe place to find the Esxi Download? (specifically 7.0 3o)

I will change to other options in the future but I was not prepared for the download to be deleted. I just happened to upgrade before the holidays and plan on using VMware for at least the rest of the year or I have more time to migrate.

I don’t think there is a 3o ISO - the last ISO release was 3n. VMware are very picky about where you can download ESXi from - the file you’re looking for is VMware-VMvisor-Installer-7.0U3n-21930508.x86_64.iso

Thanks–I found my version 3n ; I was going of the patch notes. Where are others going to able to find 7.0 or 8.0? I can find 8.0 on the site but I dont have permissions(?) to download, so I assume that will be the only way?

This Link is as far as i get with 8.0. I had on old 6.7 license so it has been a while since i have known what to do.

Broadcom unfortunately terminated the free ESXi license recently (Broadcom terminates VMware's free ESXi hypervisor • The Register) so you’re not going to be able to get a download through VMware’s site without paying for a license, now.

I have been catching up on the news. Just out of curiosity what is the going rate or where is the purchase link, would I need a whole vSphere License? If not free, than what are the options?