VLANs configuration help needed

Hello all,
I have a home network setup as in the image

I intend to increase the network security and to improve latency, so I have decided that is time to implemet VLANs but I am a noob so I am asking your help.

My router is Asus RT-AX86U running Asuswrt-Merlin and seems that it can support VLANs in the LAN->IPTV tab. On the WiFi I have several sensors and Devices connected to MQTT server.

My T1500G-10PS switch supports VLANs

To this switch I have devices connected from the default network as well as from IoT and Security.
I need your help on setting up the HW and SW to get the network setup as in the first image considering VLANs.

My Ubuntu server netplan is network: version: 2 ethernets: enp6s0: dhcp4: false dhcp6: false addresses: [''] routes: - to: default via: nameservers: addresses: [,] enp5s0: dhcp4: false dhcp6: false addresses: [''] vlans: IoT: id: 2 link: enp6s0 addresses: [] Security: id: 3 link: enp6s0 addresses: []
I also need help to configure the Docker Compose YAML for Frigate and Compreface considering that they have to communicate with MQTT and OpenHAB.

First things first, your switch supports VLANs but the setting in your router is for something else related to IPTV. This is not a general VLAN setting. For your setup you would need a router properly supporting VLANs as well.

This firmware does support VLANs, but you cannot configure them from the web interface, you must use a command line into the router to set them up. Not the easiest way to first dip your toes into VLANs. But maybe you already have some good experience with all that from the Ubuntu Server you are running so it might not be too difficult for you to learn.

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