Vitriol in the Linux community

Thats fine with me. This is ammo to remove them from the community if they resort to that.

Well, I’m glad that you have such positive attitude about making the community “cleaner” at least I hope it doesn’t get worse than it is :stuck_out_tongue: Keep up the work, cya around gotta go to watch Back to the Future II now


The purpose was to show what part of your post was not ok, as Adubs said himself:

I don’t really understand what’s the problem?

People circlejerking with their hateboners and other low iq activities

I genuinely believe Arch is the most headache free Linux distro . At least it is out of the ones I’ve tried so far. You all are so fuckin tense about “trolling” that you won’t even allow me room to make my argument to support that statement. As far as the GPU comment, I do recall a time where the support for AMD GPUs was genuinely abysmal , and I probably made that comment around then. Like, truly truly unusable. Things have since changed. I use an rx580 on my host and a 980 Ti on my guest now, so…

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I troll constantly, see Windows 7 finally dead

So I wouldn’t describe myself as uptight about it. However I do see a line in the sand where people are creating a thread genuinely looking for help and people come in and try to derail it with distro wars or gpu wars.

“People” who don’t understand or ignore how language works.

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I really was just giving my honest opinion. There was no drama until the anti-drama drama generators showed up.

See: Streisand Effect


It’s especially ironic that the thread about problem elements causing negativity on the forum will probably have to be locked because said problem elements have demonstrated exactly why the thread was created in the first place.


^ another example of made up dramatization of events. Things are pretty tame here. I haven’t even seen an insult yet.


and the gold star for @Goblin

I started a long reply then quickly realised, you don’t care. This is just how you interact with the internet, and the fact that I find you so unlikable is my problem.

Okay, have your sandbox. When SGT comes back and sees what an absolutely perfect demonstration of the problem this thread has become, I really hope he decides he doesn’t need the stress and eventually passes the reins. I’ve been guilty of becoming way too invested in this site and it’s actually had a really negative impact on my attitude towards Linux and tech in general.

It’s hilarious how much I regret speaking up every single time I log in here.

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The lack of self awareness is comical with some here.


I think you’re conflating irreverence toward authority with vitriol. There is zero anything close to vitriol in this thread.

Like, I don’t mean irreverence in the sense that I’m purposely trying to upset or “disrespect” authority as I mean in the sense that I’m not shy from expressing my opinion on the matter. You seem like you’re upset that I didn’t merrily agree with OP’s proclamation, and that I gave a different perspective. Somehow this is vitriolic and a “perfect example” of the “problem”, but it seems like circular logic to me. Then again, I’m supposedly lacking self awareness to a “comical” extent. A somewhat cruel and bitter criticism, I might add.

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Wow the panty knot this thread is


I have not read the thread and do not intend to.

I have excuses but I will not get into them.

The long and short is I screwed up and I am sorry, I will also not be here for a few days.

Sorry, not enough…



I dont think you need to leave my man, if you want to take a break though then I understand.


As someone that has been in the GNU/Linux community since '99, I hear what OP is saying. I don’t agree with all of it as this can be found in any community… but I think that people feel more afronted in the GNU/Linux community because it is a smaller community which means more people can say what it on their minds…which is heard easier… which allows those that are loudest (on either extreme) steer the direction of the conversation.

I think that with the F/LOSS community in general, the different movements that make up the commmnity stem from different (sometimes conflicting) ideology. Just like with religion and politics, once you stop debating on facts and merit and move into an emotional argument, there is no longer a conversation.

I would love for us all to get along and realize, that it is okay to agree to disagree. You don’t have to like what the other person is saying, but realize when you start to leave the stage of debate and enter inter the world of… but I feel this so it must be true.

I am guilty of a specific incident on this forvm where I tried to present point of view since I was a person that was directly affected by this issue versus others in the discussion… but being in the minority of opinion… hive mind kicked in and the point was missed. We delved into feeling and emotion and the topic derailed. Eventually I just took the conversation offline with people who were really interested in understanding what I was saying.

This is by far the best community that I have been in over a decade… but I do see the trends of the unwashed internet masses starting to creep in and I honestly don’t like where this could go.

Let’s just be good to one another. We all have something to bring to this place.