Vista Home Premium ISO

my brother crashed my Vista Machine (secondary PC i use 1-2 times a week).

i have done the generic 'do a google search' thing and haven't found a good place to find the iso.

i am needing it to do a startup repair on the os.

i found 1 place (do not have a link now, may update later), but it stops after 1.4GB of the 3GB+ ISO file.

i am needing Vista Home Premium OEM SP1 64-Bit (FULL ISO) (there is a page that is just the SP1 update that will not work). although i am thinking any Vista Home Premium ISO will do.

or do you know of any boot up repair disks that will actuall work?

Thanks for the help.

Theres normally a recovery partition that you use to recover the OS when your not provided with the disks. There may be other ways but otherwise your best buying a windows 7 version and re-installing, vista is horrific.

Fyi, dont post any links to illegal downloads, its against forum rules.

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Why not turn that 2nd PC into a linux box. Its better than vista


What exactly is horrific about Vista? I know it's bit demanding on old HW but apart from that I don't see anything wrong with it.

Linking to an uncracked Windows .iso file is perfectly legal. Linking a cracked one, a serial number or a cracking tool on the other hand isn't.
BITD Microsoft themselves made the .iso files publicly available via Digitalriver, where everyone could download all different versions. You can still download them via Technet, but you need a subscription to be able to download anything there.

Vista is Microsofts crap pile test bed for windows 7, as windows 8 is their test bed for 10. 7 is what Vista should be in every way.

Id also agree with @ste if your needs fit, give it consideration.

Microsoft hosted the Windows Vista OEM ISO at one point and it was easy to find and download through another site after they stopped hosting it directly.

Here is a legal download of the Vista ISO sponsored by HP. The install process is a little more in depth, but it should work. (Use the alternate links for downloads.)

Going off his post, im going to assume they weren't downloading it from a technet account. There are no longer any places you can for free download copies of windows for use with an existing key. Except for there IE web testing ISOs

I just posted one. And I know it works because I used it just last year to install Vista 64-bit on the 2007 Revival machine.

Its not official media, its a hack, from unofficial 3rd party sources. It may or may not be legal (getting the files themselves) depending on what Microsoft have decided, but its a gray area.

Hosted by HP Support on their forums for 3 years and is an unlicensed copy requiring a key and registration like any normal install. You may notice the original link is to Microsoft's original hosting of the ISO, from when they made it public. The alternative is a third-party archive.

You didnt link to HP...?

You're right, I linked to what they linked.

@Eden @ste @Grim_Reaper @anon37371794 (greetings Fellow Captain, the Cap in my names is abbreviated Captain) @Fouquin

Thanks all :)

The Direct Digital River Download was taken down in Feb 2015 :'(

As typing this i noticed that the page (also from the HP page) has links and will try them tomorrow when i'm at a place with better internet.

on the subject of moving it to linux, while i'm sure it is nice, i have crap internet and do not have time to set the pc up to be usable for what i need. part of the problem is that linux (while great) only comes in a half working state when downloaded and requires plugins and updates for what is considered default for a windows machine (MP3 and Mp4 playback for the basics). i spent an hour after typing the original post trying to get a live ubuntu to load a few mp3 files all in vane :'(

sorry, but i guess i'll have to keep it as a windows machine.

Just for interesting information you can actually order to ship Debians full OS and repo DVDs, or download them You essentially have everything you'd ever need locally.

@Eden @ste @Grim_Reaper @anon37371794 @Fouquin

thanks for the links, the mirror i mentioned did work, vista downloaded, copied to a bootable USB (tried Easy2Boot but it didn't like it for some reason) and fixed windows.

thanks all for the help.

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do you have a link to one that has it all
will have to try it out sometime, or possible take my moms laptop and do it as linux is a lot lighter than windows is.
Tried Ubuntu and OpenSuse and they never work with MP3/MP4 files :'(

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They do work with them but the tools required to play MP format are not installed by default. You need to download the codecs and it will work.