VirtualBox: Painless Windows Apps on Linux | Tek Syndicate

Thanks for your help. After trying out the fix @wendell posted my system didn't boot. I was to lasy to search for a solution so I just reinstalled Ubuntu. This fixed my problem XD

I can run Windows in Linux?!
That's awesome. I am off to install Linux on my living room PC. Only reason I never switched it over is because of Silverlight on Netflix. I've been waiting for them to go HTML5, but now I can run windows in linux, no need to wait. :D

Don't even have to install Windows in linux. Use te chrome browser on linux and Netflix will work fine

HA! When did that start working?!
Chrome installed and I just finished watching a movie from last night.
I owe you a beer, rockking. You saved me a lot of time and senseless installing of Windows. :)

October is when that started working

@wendell I do not know where you got the "AMD Platforms" information - I also posted a few links on the video. (Your video posted this year with that incorrect information this - post in 2013 with proof of the correct information)

This is VGA-Passthrough on an AMD Platform - If you would like to follow this guide I can confirm it works on Debian based distros (You will need to download the Debian versions of the tools.). Reading the post: It is using Qemu - It shows how to passthough 1 AMD graphics card and use another AMD graphics card for the host. Using an either AMD or Intel Platforms. One for the pages within that topic shows success on an R9 270X gpu with some weird D3D9 benchmarks. D3D10+ Works fine. You will not get your full power but 95+% of it. Most posts I have read say something about AMD FX-8350 cpus.

I have an AMD Platform - I run a KVM using Qemu. I have my Windows installed using an R9 270X with 16gbs of ram. Ubuntu has the other 16gbs (Technically all 32gbs but 16 is in use by the kernel) with the other R9 270X. Host has 8 cores from the FX-8350 - Windows guest has 4 cores allocated to it.

Also. My posting on the video - Please REPORT CORRECT INFORMATION WHEN TEACHING PEOPLE HOW TO DO SOMETHING. It will make people get the impression that one platform is better than the other but in reality it is just how much do you actually know about making the software work with the hardware.


I thought I said this pass through stuff works better on AMD platforms? In part because d is not stingy with which CPUs have the feature. Some mobos suck at getting out of the way for it though. What are you referring to?

The first system I got this working properly on was an 8350 based and system. BUT I had to make sure to not let Linux touch the graphics card I intended to pass though otherwise it wouldn't work.

I have been having some problems with Virtualbox as a whole in Manjaro. Whenever I reboot or shutdown the computer, the next time I load up Virtualbox it says that my virtual hard drives are inaccessible. I think that this is an Arch based problem but I if anyone knows anything about it then that would be very helpful. I might switch to Ubuntu Gnome as I am quite a Linux noob and if things are more 'out-of-box' ready, it would be easier for me. What do you think?

This please.

New to Linux and was using virtualbox but cant figure out how to get a gpu through.

Would like to see a video on kvm or qemu+kvm and especially passing through a video card.

Or anyone have a link to a tutorial already sitting somewhere?