I've come to the conclusion, after two weeks, that I've gone the wrong path in the computing business. I'm sitting in a computer chair at a school, contemplating on whether or not I should quit or let things run the course. Why? I set my life out to be a video game programmer, director, and/or a multitude of related positions in gaming. That isn't where I am right now. I'm in school training to be an IT. That simply is not the life for me. However, my high school kind of screwed with that decision for me, as I'm required to learn a second language (and the only language they had was Spanish...a language, of which, I cannot grasp to save my life). Ultimately, I was sent into a state of confusion on how to go at my dream in this predicament as I was unable to learn that second language required to go directly from high school to a university. Whether it was required everywhere or not, I still was held back from going straight to a university due to the only language being Spanish.
Allow me to cut to the chase: As shown at the title, I want to know if there are any certified ways (that you can confirm from first-hand experience) to getting the education required to be a programmer or anything -- I mean anything -- of the sorts while at home. I am not in a financial situation where I have the luxury to travel out-of-state, which is my biggest roadblock.
Any and all information regarding this is more than appreciated.