I have a MSI 7970 lightning I want connected to my ASUS VG248QE.
The 7970 lightning looks to have dual link by how I understand the images but sites say it's single.
Came with mini DP-DP adapter
Monitor has dvi / dp / hdmi connections
Should I go with Mini dp - dp, mini dp adapter to dp cable or mini dp /mini dp adapter to dvi?
okay I know that looks like a mess don't recal ==> stuff well but I asume it goes like this
7970 [mini dp> >=Mini dp - dp= >monitor (just dunno if I need to go with cable or adapter I already have to cable also which is cheaper "google" but maybe people know deals &/or if either one gives negative aspects / a bonus to going with dp - dvi over this)
sorry it's a mess but I think you get me. BTW will have secondary "tv" that is 120hz but has vga and hdmi no dp/dvi I was curious if I can run it at 120hz and how I was told hdmi cables cap around 60 but I think that might be bs ... little lost...
I also just learned dvi has multiple types forgot to look at mini dp vs dp 1.2 etc...