Very-very quiet mic with any distro

Unfortunately, I ran out of my free time. I will try to continue with this, but it won’t be fast, heh.

It actually did help, now my mic sounds loud enough.
I, however, could not find the 0208 firmware they mentioned, but decided I could reflash it directly if I kill it now (not recommended “future me problems” way of getting things done).

Fast update: no. I’ve heard it louder in my voice recorder because it jumped t 100% volume after firmware upgrade, lol. It still sounds as quiet as it did.
Alsamixer and pavucontrol are able to understand it better now, so I am able to make the mic a tiny bit louder by the volume sllide.
I think I will try to find the text config that pavucontrol edits and manually type something like “200” there, might work out.

I found this config at ~/.config/pulse/*-device-volumes.tdb:

key 56 bytes
data 21 bytes
[000] 42 01 31 74 61 6E 61 6C  6F 67 2D 69 6E 70 75 74  B.1tanal og-input
[010] 2D 6D 69 63 00                                    -mic 

The problem is that actual levels (I think there are indeed levels there) are stored in binary. I tried some online translators, but they could not provide me with the answer. Maybe anyone has a clue about messing with bytes? I sucked at school, yes.

UPDATE: no, hex there actually doubles the text next to it, so it contains:

B.1tanal og-input

UPDATE2: This DB contains 4 mentions of my headset input:

key 56 bytes
data 21 bytes
[000] 42 01 31 74 61 6E 61 6C  6F 67 2D 69 6E 70 75 74  B.1tanal og-input
[010] 2D 6D 69 63 00                                    -mic 

key 73 bytes
data 26 bytes
[000] 42 01 31 6D 02 01 02 76  02 00 01 86 75 00 01 86  B.1m...v ....u...
[010] 75 31 30 42 01 66 42 01  50 4E                    u10B.fB. PN

key 76 bytes
data 26 bytes
[000] 42 01 31 6D 02 01 02 76  02 00 01 86 75 00 01 86  B.1m...v ....u...
[010] 75 30 30 42 01 66 42 01  50 4E                    u00B.fB. PN

key 56 bytes
data 24 bytes
[000] 42 01 31 74 69 65 63 39  35 38 2D 73 74 65 72 65  B.1tiec9 58-stere
[010] 6F 2D 69 6E 70 75 74 00                           o-input  

This might be all leftover configurations from plugging it into different physical ports, or it might not.

UPDATE3: found tool that plays with pulseaudio app streams:
Will try to inspect what it is actually doing. Open-source rocks.

Module-stream-restore is talked about here.

It’s all over my head.

Well, conclusion would not be that interesting.
I came across the package paman. It allows for up to 400% mic volume. It works. Introduces some noise, so I stopped at around 350%. Hopefully Discord would handle it.

Thanks everyone, what a ride.


Sorry, but I think you mean pactl, not pacman.

And I think that this post is too old to be bothered by. I don’t mind it personally, but I know that a lot of people dislike necrobumping.