Hi guys... Last couple of months, I've had some trouble with my right wrist. I was diagnosed with RSI and was told to either limit my PC usage (which as a computer science student I really cannot) or to look into some ergonomic replacement for my current mouse and keyboard. Which do you think is better? Vertical mouse, or trackball? I've had some experience with trackballs (I used to have this one - http://www.amazon.com/Logitech-Cordless-Trackman-Optical-Trackball/dp/B00005NIMG for a few years, but it broke down and is currently too expensive to replace for me.) and no experience at all with vertical mice.
I've heard good things about the CST LaserTRAC Trackball
Here's a video that Jerry did on it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWLvquarhUQ
I've been using a trackball for what seems like a 100 years, hate mice in general.
I have 3 of these IMHO it's the best trackball ever made but sadly Logitech discontinued them years ago, now they command stupid money on eBay.
Trackball all day, Or just get something with a touch screen.
That's quite a bit out of my price league... :/ Looks interesting, though.
Well... Touch screen on a laptop/desktop is not really my cup of tea. Most of the time, I code, gimp up some photos and do vector graphics for a motocross sticker maker.
I use a logic trackball m570 and I love it. It was well worth the money. it works really well in tight places like messy and small college desks
The only reason I am even considering vertical mouse is my inability to game using trackball... I might have to get used to idea of using trackball for work, an VMouse for gaming.
That is why I suggested the m570 because the ball is in thumb it allows you to use your index and middle fingers for clicking. From what I've seen it does a good of acting like a regular mouse while keeping the benefits of a house