Vega 56 pass through problems

Hello. I’ve been working on this for 3 days but no success. Hope someone can help.

I’m having trouble getting pass through working for a Windows VM. So far I’ve been able to isolate the card, and the card is using vfio drivers.

When I try to start the VM it just has no output on the secondary gpu. If I enable spice, my VM is working.

Strix X399
OpenSuse (but tried Ubuntu and Debian also)

I have a feeling it has something to do with the reset bug, but don’t know how to fix it. Many posts on it just give vague information, but I’m missing context.

What shows up in your “Device Manager” in the VM for your gpu? Is it getting a code 43? Or does it actually have the driver loaded?

Hi. I actually finally figured it out today.

Had to uncheck rom bar. Not sure what that does but it works now.

Also, I don’t have a reset bug. Was it finally fixed?

There is a vendor-reset kmod that I think addresses it now.

Well. I finally understand the rom bar thing. For anyone having trouble.

At least for me. If usising a UEFI bios you need rom bar activated. If using Seabios, rom bar must be deactivated.