VCF MIDWEST 2024 ...Anyone going?

Title says it all. Just wondering if i’m the only one here planning to go to Vintage Computer fest round here.

It’s on my radar this year… I’ve never been, but I live in Chicagoland, so it’s actually pretty close to home.

Any one else?

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It’s Sept 7-8 at the Schaumburg Convention Center.

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Are you gonna go ?

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Yes, sorry for being vague. My plan is to show up early-ish on Saturday and stay for the YouTuber discussion panel.

I don’t need any vintage computers and might try to offload some some old servers to freegeek.

If that overlaps with your plans, we could meet up or get lunch on-site.

Anyone else?

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Yeah that could work. What kind of old servers are you offloading?

I have 2 old Dell 1U servers… I’ll have to check the model #s, but they are pretty old. They might be OK for some one wanting to play around, but the power usage is probably off the charts. They are back from the 4 core intel era, so probably a raspberry pi is more powerful and much more power efficient.

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I have a ton of really abandoned monitors in my garage. Would I be able to those to donate? I don’t want to. They are going to be in terrible shaped. Condemned tear. Probably better just going to an ewaste recycler.

Free Geek Chicago will be there- they might be able to take the working ones, but might be good to contact them ahead of time to see what they will accept and where.

I’m heading out there in a few hours. I’ve never been, so I don’t know how busy it gets. Should we pick a place and meet at 11:30 or something like that? Do we need a passphrase or code word?

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I am so sorry i got sucked into the convention. I am sure i walked past you a billion times but yeah…I was there. I am about to make a video in my huge threadripper post about everything. You should see it soon.

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No worries. It was quite the convention!! I walked around, bought a few t-shirts, had lunch, then attended the you-tuber panel. I wish I could have stayed for the auction and live music, but I had dinner plans.

It was very cool to be around people with such a high level of enthusiasm and knowledge.

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