Thanks to all in advance for any help, advice, corrections and tips on helping me with this build.
The infos:
Germany, ~1000eur (+-150eur), I use and as my baselines.
Gaming, Twitch, Lightroom 4.0-5.0+, OpenCL (No cuda Bullshit), Scientific Computing (cores, cores cores) (prototyping), Overclock CPU+GPU, No OS needed, Dual Monitor, Fingertipgrip Mouse for Dota 2 and all games.
So far I used the fx8350 + 7950 + Sabertooth video build as my baseline. I am looking for perhaps 2 alternative builds as to be able to make my decision. On both version I need WIFI, BLUETOOTH, CARD READER, either 8350 or 8320, CD-RW, Peripherals, and Dual Display Support. Versions:
- All-in Performance overclock high end part build.
- Superbudget version (small overclock?).
On the budget version I can live with 500gbs of storage, msi low end motherboards and reference cards, fx8320 (8 core is a must for work), non future proofing (no crossfire in the future), 1333 8gb and enough air cooling to save money and the bare minimum of reliable PSU + ugly case.
On the All-in version an SSD for OS and stuff would be nice, a higher OC-able version of the 7950 card is desirable. A good mobo that allows for both over-clocking and future crossfire, the required PSU for future proofing and long term high loads (1000Watts? what is good here? 2 rails? 3 rails? crossfire support?) and a reliable Cooling (noctua D14? h100i?). 16GB would be great for ram but dont know if 1600mhz or more would make any difference in this kind of build. A case with great cooling and no front door is important. Nothing pretentious would be great, something simple single color no leds etc.
The next SUPER important thing is a mouse. I am looking for a fingertip-grip mouse with around 100mm (3.9inch) length and 7+ buttons (Wired or wireless). I really love my logitech (old) that has 3 buttons on the wheel < | > and one with this would be awesome. With this I have been having trouble :(
The most expensive components where I can see money being saved is the MOBO, PSU, Cooling Unit, Ram.
It seems that If I decide not to overclock and forget the crossfire, old 970 ud3 models of the gigabyte MOBOS would suffice, bringing the high wattage requirement in the PSU also down and also the cooling unit.
Are there thing, version of hardware or setups that I should be considering and perhaps changing? Does anyone know about stores online? Some places seem to build similar rigs with 3 year warranty for around 150eur more. I could build it myself no problem and hope to do so, but warranty seems worth it too... If the budget version seems better in the price/performance ration then I could go for that. But being able to keep this rig for at least 4+ years would be great.
Again the cores and OpenCL is of great importance to me because of the HPC work I do. (Prototype locally before running on big clusters.) Being an amateur photographer Lightroom is also important, but I rather go OpenCL than CUDA unless there are better price/performance ratios for some GTX cards.
Thanks again for any help!