Using Unmanaged Switch in combination with Wireless Router?

To put it simply, am i able to connect all my devices to an unmanaged sswitch via ethernet (which is connected to a modem obviously). My question is can I also connect my wireless router to the switch just to use the wireless function of the router for my phones and such for wifi?

Have a look in the wireless router’s settings to find the one that turns it from router to switch by turning off its DHCP server. Once that setting is off (or set to switch instead of router), you can safely connect it to your existing modem and use it as an AP (wireless access point).

Dutch, thanks very much for that info! Sweet and concise thank you :slight_smile:

Dutch sorry just re-reading, I would connect the router to the modem and not the switch? Wouldnt i connect the modem to the switch and the router to the switch too?

I has assumed the modem also has a switch build-in. If it doesn’t, then yes, you should connect the AP to the switch and not the modem.

gotcha thanks again Dutch!

I know that the asus router have an option to turn it from a router to just a wifi ap by literally setting one of the first setting to wifi ap mode.

So just be mindful depending on your router that your converting the setting maybe labeled something different than what @Dutch_Master or myself have listed.

Ty! I have an asus router as well :slight_smile: I believe its the same setting mentioned

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