We have a user on a non-work site for 1-2 hours per shift. i have been given permission to block and or have fun with this via a redirect.
any ideas on what i could do here?
We have a user on a non-work site for 1-2 hours per shift. i have been given permission to block and or have fun with this via a redirect.
any ideas on what i could do here?
prepare yourself for a bunch of calls from this person about the internet being broken. you are better off just blocking than doing anything else
If you spend time to screw with a person who's wasting time are you fixing the issue? Just block the users access on the firewall mate.
That said, you can forward the website to something stupid, to something disgusting, or to your companies website.
http://r33b.net/ is a nice bet.
Tell him to go away?
You're fired!
His manager needs to give him a talking-to. I'm a big fan of the belief that restricting employees from any personal web browsing time is more harm than it's worth. Sometimes people need to unwind for 5 or 10 minutes here and there. The web is a good way to get them to unwind quickly, and get back to work quickly.
Now, when it becomes a significant chunk of each shift, that's another story. I've seen it where people just get sucked into the internet at work, and all they need is a good shove to get them back in line with more acceptable usage. Maybe block non-work related sites for him specifically, have the manager give him a talking-to. Give it a couple of weeks, restore the privilege, and see how it goes.
Something to consider, especially if he is an otherwise good employee. Good people are hard to find.
she is constantly behind in work, the site is used to fill orders for her work from home job.
In that case, I'll just echo Goalkeeper's comment.
Redirect to your company's website employee policy.
Wow that's been a while. But really are circles are the future of web design.
I'm just browsing this stupid site while bored at work...
so if shes working from home, if she doesn't connect though a VPN or anything then there really isnt much your can do to affect her while shes at her home.
Sorry, I didn't catch this on first reading. She is using company time, and company computers to fulfill orders for another company? This is a direct conflict of interest. If she is not fired, then I would question the sanity of her manager. She is using company time to work for another company. How has she been doing this long enough for this to have become a question?