Does anyone know if there is a device that emulates keyboards/mouse then sends that to another device (potentially over the internet). So that you could be in a coffee shop or something and remotely control a work machine that wouldn’t allow you to install additional software on it however would allow you to control it with a mouse/keyboard that it recognized as plugging directly into the computer.?
Is barrier the sort of thing you are looking for?
Are you describing a (1-port) IP-KVM?
I dont think this is the kind of solution I was thinking since it would require you to install software on the machine
I think it might be a ip-KVM but im having a hard time finding an products that are ip-kvm I was thinking it would essentially emulate the mouse and keyboard from the host machine and essentially pass it along
Look into what @risk posted. The pikvm project seems very promising. I’m hoping to try it out when they get their raspberry pi hat all sorted out and available for purchase.
I’ve been looking into this kind of stuff a lot recently. I also wanted it to be transparent on the controlled device, basically just showing up as a keyboard and mouse.
There are the ip KVM devices, they usually need run the view port in a web browser. These are usually quite expensive.
The pi-KVM project is basically one those built with cheapo parts.
There’s things like crash cart adapters, but those don’t involve the network.
There’s also these weird USB sharing devices you can but for like $10-20 that present as a keyboard and mouse on one end and on the other end some software directly translates your actually keyboard and mouse. No monitor involved there. Again, no network.
In your case I’d probably use the pi-kvm or an ip kvm depending upon time and money you want to spend.
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