I built a computer this last Black Friday, but now that I have a little extra money, I was looking to see if there was anywhere that I could upgrade. I would say that I'm not really trying to spend anymore than $500-$600, but the cheaper the better. I am a college gamer, who plays mostly League of Legends but i'm trying to get my computer ready for new MMO's and other games. I am starting to expand my library of games so I would like to run things pretty smoothly. If you do have any recommendations to what I should upgrade and you know where the best deal please feel free to put that link in also.
Well you could maybe upgrade your graphics card by adding a second 760 for SLI (which you'd probably need a new power supply for) or just grabbing a 770. Anything beyond that would really be overkill for a 1080p monitor, and you said you don't want to upgrade that.
Everything else looks fine. The 3570k is still a very capable CPU, and there aren't any real issues I see with the build. The 760 will run many games at ultra, though there will be some you'd have to turn down to high. Basically you've got a good rig for games that will be released in the near future.
Personally, I'd suggest re-evaluating your rig, and decide whether there really is anything it doesn't do you'd like it to. You could also just wait until you start running more intensive games, and then if your system can't run them at settings and fps you are satisfied with, then you could upgrade. It's your money, you can do with it as you please, that's just my suggestion.
If you're really determined to upgrade now, I'd seriously look at a 1440p monitor. You can get Korean 1440p monitors on ebay for <$300, and then you could try selling your 760 and getting a 780. I just can't see anything else that really justifies an upgrade, especially if you stay at 1080p.
Yea I would like to upgrade something, so It would better better to get a Geforce GTX 770? I do want to upgrade a little bit more and can anyone recommend a second monitor/tv. I say TV because I kinda need to upgrade that.