Upgrade or stay where i am?

heres my current setup 


should i sell off my current motherboard , CPU & switch to intel platform Note i never used intel before so i may need some of their moather board / CPU suggestions.

If you have money to spare then why not? If you don't, consider how much time you will notice the difference and if it is worth paying for it.

well its depending what you realy like.  i will make 2 options, i dont know what your budget is? if an i7 cost to much, then i would say go with AMD option FX8350 with Sabertooth mobo, very good sollid combination. FX8350 performs in between an i5 and i7, in most games. and its the cheapest of CPU.

AMD: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/1zxVV

Intel1: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/129Hp

intel2: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/12hDI


I would go this the intel option that MisteryAngel  posted, its more expensive but will last you longer and has slightly more upgradabiility 

Both are out of my range I5 3570K is more like it 

with a SLI compatible Intel mother board 

I'v found these 



Then stay with AMD the FX8350 is a faster cpu in manny games. ☺


With this combo you have a sollid mobo, with sli/cf support at 16X


sadly i can't do that i have to switch to intel platform if i'm gonna recommend parts to people i at least have to have some experience with both platforms i built an all AMD last year so i have to use intel this time or should i just keep what i have & wait for haswell CPU's / motherboards to go down in price.

Why do you need to switch to Intel?

well im losing the line up here. intel i5-3570k or 4670K are allmost equal in price.. i realy dont get the point. why you should switch to intel?

I first built a computer last year around this time it was all AMD with a X4 965 with a 7870 i want to experience both intel & Nvidia this time around so when i see people talking about intel i want to at least add something to the topic gigabuster helped me find this 


There is no reason to have experience with all of the brands. Performance at the price you are willing to pay is all that matters.

That said, the combo you listed is a pretty good one, if you can swing it.