Upcoming Linux Channel Vids - Want Input

Luke from LTT mentioned wanting to ditch Windows completely in the latest WAN show (March17). He was talking about how gaming was the only thing holding him back & how he was trying to find ways around that issue.

Maybe a bit of collaboration on making it a more pleasant experience.


Really? I'll have to stop by LTT and have a look-see for myself. But if so (and yes I do believe you ;) it could be an interesting collaboration.

Slick from LTT just said on the WAN show that he wants to create a linux gaming / on-network streaming solution, utilizing unraid, or VMs, or whatever. But the main condition is that WIN10 is caged machine that facilitates Linux as the main OS.

Is there a partner video opportunity there?


Timestamped link and about 2min in. So, what do you think, is the functionality he's talking about even plausible? I don't have the knowledge to assess this.

Maybe if one's goal is to advance the adoption of linux/having more poeple try it out - helping Slick to have as painless an experience as possible, may be a quite potent way to do so, with the large audience he and they draw.

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So now that the Linux Action Show is dying.

Can we re-create the LAS?

Imagine all the new viewers we can gather.

Its not dead yet. Another month and a half of it to go!

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I jumped the gun :(

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I would like to pick Wendells brain on the following:

How would you start to teach Linux to kids (age 10+) so that they grow up with Linux naturally ?

Could you do a hands-on series for common "You told me to switch to Linux, how do I get...?" (I am thinking of workarounds for: document scanners, outlook server access to email in workplace, where to look for problems, which forums, which newssites to follow etc.)

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Actually at age like 5 or 6 my dad had brought home a slackware machine to learn how to use the newer CNC mills at his job and that was my first step in. When he wasn't fiddling I got my own account and learned about it. Was great.

Best thing to do is use a workhorse environment like Mageia and just not install an update system. Then install their shit, use a nvidia card so you can have something for drivers, and let them go. Then when you get around to thinking that they need an upgrade, get a new machine with something like Opensuse on it.

Beside the upgrades print out a manual.

Small kids usually love Fedora Sugar on a Stick, but 10 year olds are older than the target audience for that I think. Most other distros made for kids usually don't get much love from kids in my experience.

10-12 is a difficult age, there are just too many distractions that are "cooler", whereas in the old days, we would just spend a lot less on entertainment at that age, we would get excited about fractals, Julias and Mandelbrots lol. 10-12 year olds should just start using a full featured distro, Manjaro XFCE on an older laptop for instance gives them all the tools to experiment freely. When my kids are in that age group, I would probably get them raspis or similar devkit PC's, just to focus on the practical purpose and boost the motivation for learning linux and basic C concepts, in relation to actual real life functional applications. Generally, in my experience, kids get more inspired by engineers and craftsmen than by IT people. I'm just aiming for that lol, and we'll see where it leads. In any case, my kids have and will have a really hard time working with commercial malware software consoles, because both at home and in the offices and lab, there is only open source software present, and they're not getting smartphones, they have custom android equipped tablets without Google malware, and without the possibility to install anything, if they want something, they have to ask me. And that's the beauty of linux, you can actually give it to kids without fear of losing control. In this day and age, it's a responsibility issue. It's not primarily about finding something that the kids would like, it's more about protecting them and being somewhat responsible against all odds. For me, the first thing is that I don't want them to use anything that has terms of service or a privacy policy, and anything that isn't GNU, GPL or MIT(BSD) licensed. They also go to schools that have a strict no-commercial-software-brainwashing policy. So if they want to use a computing device, open source is all they have to work with.

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Windows vs Linux is not so important imo.
What is important is learning how Windows and closed protocol and closed file formats, screw you over each time.

Use Linux for the right reasons, not because someone else told you so :) Otherwise people might switch for convenience, not knowing why they are using Linux.

What's up with https://forum.level1techs.com/t/our-own-git-and-a-community-version-of-the-linux-kernel-is-up/109820 ?

Maybe it would be a cool idea to feature a Video about the Community Kernel and how to sign up with GitHub and some info on how to work on it and contribute to it?

I feel like a lot of people would be happy to work on it for fun but the thread is sorta dead and nothing is really progressing.
To run our own kernel would be so awesome!

That looks very interesting. I'd be interested to see the changes made. It may open up opportunities to simplify some aspects of the kernel, too.

How is it dying? The LAS show views have not gone down. Now TechSNAP, FO SHO!!

They are stopping/killing the show. After a month and a half, no more LAS.

They said that community feedback for that particular show was not where they wanted it to be. They said Linux Unplugged had way more community involvement than LAS and they basically put more time and effort into LAS. They are now going to have shows like User Error and Ask Noah in its place. They are also going to have a Linux News Show also now.

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Oh. Ya and it's unfortunate that Allen Jude left TechSNAP. I can't stand to watch it for a few reasons. A big one is that the old guys computer monitors are reflected in his glasses and it is annoying as F*.

I'm back. After 3 months, no one ever got back to me except one guy who was interested in developing an app. So sad

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I want a video that explains the ins/outs/diffs b/t KMV/libvirt/qemu ...etc


Can we get some videos on FreeIPA