UNMS webserver suddenly? not responding

I have an Ubuntu 18.04 VPS that runs UniFi serving web traffic on port 8443, and a Docker container (only way to run UNMS from what I understand) on it running UNMS serving web traffic on port 443.

Last Wednesday I updated certbot to not use TLS-SNI-01 validation following this guide. Everything went successfully. Friday I added SSH keys for remote access (don’t see how this could hurt anything). As of this morning I noticed that I cannot get a response from the server on port 443, but 8443 still serves me UniFi. I’m 99.99% sure I logged into UNMS successfully Friday. nmap shows that 443 is not open, but I’m assuming that is because it’s in a Docker container?

I have restarted the whole server as well.

I want to say there should be something in that output referencing port 443 right? Sorry guys, I am a total noob to Docker and I’m not much better with Ubuntu, all of my experience with either comes from running this server. Any pointers as to where to go next in troubleshooting would be much appreciated!

Edit: Just remembered that I had to reboot the system yesterday because UniFi ran away with all the memory again. Maybe that affected the docker containers somehow?

I would really like to avoid going to a backup if possible

So I’m not actually sure what this should look like, but I believe I have a certificate issue. If I docker inspect 9d7387ff0afe I see that next to "SSL_CERT=" there is nothing

Certificate generation and renewal was originally done within the UNMS software itself with Let’s Encrypt. I guess my problem now is that I’m unsure of how to update the certificate manually? The changes I applied to certbot only should have affected UniFi (to my knowledge).


I figured it out. There is supposed to be an nginx container just for UNMS. Re-ran the install script for UNMS with the --update attribute and we are back in biz… no clue how tf that happened

Now to order a Docker for Dummies xD