Unity or Godot engine for someone who doesn't know how to code?

Note that I’m in no way unbiased, but try Godot and it’s GDScript, quite similar to python and the 2D renderer in it is fairly good. 3D renderer still has ways to go, but version 4 should bring a vulkan renderer and likely some new features to bring it closer to unity and unreal, but as others said, start out with 2d, which means that for the near future you don’t really need to be concerned with the 3d renderer at all.

As for all the backend stuff, doesn’t matter what engine you pick, so long as it’s a serious engine and not like RPG maker, you can learn that in any of them.

Godot is pretty good for 2d pixel art games for a newbie, it has a very simple python like coding language and there are plenty of tutorials for simple games. It also includes tilemaps, a decent physics engine and an intuitive system of nodes and node iteration.

Since you have some programming experience using pygame to learn how to implement some core engine features might be a good learning experience (such as collision and physics which create bugs in almost all engines and finished games so knowing how they work roughly would be helpful).

Edit: noticed June 3rd…

Another option that will probably be far simpler than both to get started, if you’ve never coded before.

Fuze4 on the Nintendo switch.

Yes, you need a switch.
Yes, it’s nintendo… who in the past have been very closed…

BUT… there’s no IDE to learn. There are functions to do a lot of the stuff you need to do. It ships with a heap of assets. It ships with example game code of working games.

It is specifically aimed at giving new programmers a platform to learn - and is powerful enough to make some reasonable beginner 3d games.

I have coded before, including in x86 assembly (back in the day), and just getting started with a professional grade 3d engine or even a damn IDE like visual studio is a massive barrier to entry. Seriously, figuring your way around a modern IDE is an adventure in itself - and that is totally tangential to the basics of actually learning how to write code.

You’ll get more rewarding results far quicker with Fuze.

Search youtube for “fuze4 on switch”. It’s like Blitz Basic or Amos (from the 16 bit days) on steroids, with easy 3d support, etc.

If you’re new to coding entirely, i’d highly recommend something much more straightforward like this than trying to get started in C/C++ and a pro grade 3d engine like Unreal or Unity… leave them until you’ve got a bit more experience under your belt.