I have Brother J410W that I was printing via wi fi with no problem until Windows 10 updated the other day. Now when attempting to print the document will show up in the document Que and then immediately disappear. So far the following have been attempted:
Uninstall printer/driver via add/remove programs in control panel and installed the latest drivers off the Brothers Site.
Stopped and restarted the print spool via Services
Tried hooking up the printer via USB instead of wireless.
Factory reset the printer
Rebooted the main router and the AI mesh router its connected to.
Temporarily disabled antivirus/fire wall to see if it was blocking it.
Ran a connection test on the printer (spits out connection ok page) but won’t print a test page.
Note I have an Windows 7 computer from work and it is able to print just fine on the printer via wireless.
According to Windows 10 the printer is operating correctly. Any idea on what else I can try ?
Use another computer to try to print? Cellphones can also issue print commands and Brother has a cellphone printer app to help with that (for android). For iOS its fire and print.
Perhaps you can share the printer out with another machine and connect that way. This would effectively make it a print server. More of a workaround than a solution but I’m not sure what else there is to do besides more drastic measures.
You could do some google around on this said issue.
Because it’s actually a known problem with a certain update.
But i don’t know which exact KB number it is out of my head which causing it.
Uninstalling the said KB update is likely gonna fix the problem.
But of course that might cause a potential security risk.
If you don’t want to take that security risk.
You could also try if using a PCL6 driver works as a work around.
But that might not work with all printers, cause it’s a generic driver.