I need help to install kali linux on my raspberry pi 400 and set up a dual boot to run windows 10 on top a sd card for kali and a 64 gig pendrive for windows or the opposite… I just can’t get it to work. It works fine with the raspberry 32bit os by using raspberry pi imager on the website and flashing the os on sd, but when i use the same to flash the kali arm image provided on the official offensive security website ver 2020.4… it dosent work. It gets stuck in firmware trying to detect the correct files and shows recovery.elf and recovery4.elf missing then it shows start.elf not compatible…
I tried berryboot but it dosent seems to show or list the kali download option on the boot menu. It just shows Ubuntu and a bit others distros… I want to get it to work somehow. I tried Ubuntu and it works fine. Then whu kali is being weird …
Someone with some knowledge on the subject or facing the same problem or an expert can help me build my own image of kali to this correct specification of raspberry pi 400 and guide me to some of the steps… that will help lot. Thanks.
ps … I have all updated firmware and software running so i dont think that would cause the problem unless the latest ver had bugs to begin with…