(UN-OFFICIAL) TekSyndicate Cookbook

Just Something i started many many moons ago... but ended up forgetting about (mostly cause life got busy).

It was (and still is really) intended to be a a reasonably large, and ever-growing resource for members here who are stuck for ideas when it comes to eating and/or cooking... or who are just looking to try their hand at something a little different when it comes to food, or help with reasonable cheap, yet still nutritious meal ideas for those on tight budgets.

Yes, its a google drive file... but meh... its good for the many frequent edits it is going to receive, while still being reasonably easy to navigate on a multitude of devices... And its free...

So without any further faffing about, cause im not so eloquent at the moment... heres a link to it...


It is a little bare at the moment, but i am looking to fix that... so if you have any suggestions, or want to contribute some of your favorites or would like to see something in particular, post away...


That's the first time I've ever seen cups and grams in the same ingredients list (that haven't been converted) with Celsius in the temperatures. Also, you might want to put close alternatives, like "also goes well with tagliatelle and other types of pasta" when mentioning fettuccine or "also goes well with chicken" if you have a fish dish where the sauce would go well with chicken - it just gives some extra options.
One Note is a plausible alternative to Google Drive with multiple folders. I keep all of my recipes in One Note (that aren't already in a cook book).