Ultrasonic flow sensor for IOT

I’m buying a house that will require heavy work to the electrical wiring and adding wall insulation, and while thinking’s about IOT, i remembered a Wendel video about ultrasonic flow sensor using the 1 wire protocol.

I wanted to add that and started looking on the internet, i couldn’t find anything.

Then i started watching again all IOT video hopping for a link in description, i found the video but no link :frowning:

Does anyone have a product number for this ?

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Congrats on buying a house

No idea on the sensor, but ping that man himself, perhaps he might?

@wendell plz Halp!

Or, maybe, possibly @Level1_Amber … Though the video was 3 years ago… And was probably more a W project while doing up his house… So a bit of a long shot…


Thank you for the congrats :smiley:
I just spend all my money plus a 25Y mortgage, and i’m in for 80 000€ of reno work i don’t have the cash for …
So given the current financial climate, i’ll say i’m doing very well :smiley:

I never ping people nowday because i have been yelled at quite strongly from doing so on public github repo in the past, and i’m always scared of it ><

I hop Wendell won’t mind …

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It’s on me.

And like I mentioned, the guy did the videos 3/years ago, so might have brought the parts even longer ago.

Um, it’s good to see you catch the home automation bug, here’s hoping you dont get the addiction for toilet lids too…

well …
To late for the automation bug…

And i did plan a power plug near each toilet …

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Dont forget if already doing a bunch of electrical work to also throw in Ethernet outlets in various places around the house. This becomes especially cheap if the drywall is already coming off anyway.

Don’t worry :slight_smile:

  • Multiple Ethernet per room
  • Every light switch and light fixture get wired back to the garage for future centralized control
  • Every light switch box get an empty wire tube for future bus cable need
  • Every room get at least 2 very thick empty wire tube for future need
  • Every outside door/window get a wired door sensor
  • Every room get a wired motion sensor (still need to find some that aren’t as big as in the 80s)
  • Every room get a wired temperature sensor
  • Every major room get ceiling CCTV on a air-gap network (i’m looking at Ethernet airgap relay to connect it to the network when intrusion is detected, but they are very expensive)
  • Every small floor mat will be recessed in the ground to ensure the robot vacuum don’t eat them.
  • Multiple Wall tablet will have wire prep for both POE and basic usb C charging
  • Every room will have always one speaker connected to LMS and “something” to do TTS (i don’t want TTS to screw up LMS playlist, and i’m unhappy with Music Player Daemon (MPD) incapability to start all room at once)
  • Most room ceiling light will have addressable rgb wire ready for extra light notification or ambiance.
  • All windows will have rolling shutter motor and controller cable in place (no budget to add them right now) with an extra wire tube for a bus wire. ready for centralization :slight_smile:

I am READY ! F*ck Zwave, Zigbee and all other wireless protocol that have been damn of my life with question like “Why won’t the light turn off !” only because 1 bad device is breaking protocol of flooding the network.

But i want something to detect water flow without cutting every pipe up …

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