UK Sky Router (SR101) replacement

Pls help!! Does anyone here knows if SKY let's you replace their routers?? If yes what would be the best replacement router?? would be good if it supports Gigabit LAN.




Thank you for taking your time replying. Is a Home Hub 2 any better than the ones Sky give?? and would it work without doing any tweaks?? Does Sky allow using different routers for their internet?? I'm willing to pay to get a better router than the ones they provide.




Recommending home hubs.... are you an idiot?

They're just as bad. The UI is slow as crap and makes you question whether the page your visiting is even local to your network.

If you want the best performance, go get a Vigor 120 modem and link it up to a router of choice or even a pfSense box.

Honestly, just buy a really good router once. Spend the money and go for Ubiquiti or pfSense and you'll never have to buy another one until the machine can't run it anymore (at least 6-7 years, the HDD will have died by then anyway) I've got my pfSense on a 1.24ghz single core and it works fine, so you don't need anything terribly powerful. If you haven't got an old PC laying around then try an Ubiquiti EdgeRouter, I haven't used one myself but I know they support gigabit and they're supposedly very good. Bear in mind you'll need a cable modem and a wireless access point in order to achieve the same features as a consumer router from the Ubiquiti. pfSense only needs a cable modem if you put a wireless card in there, although personally I'd rather use a real AP like an Ubiquiti, they are much better. Plus pfSense has somewhat buggy support for some newer cards.