Ucav's homelab blog

Part of the reason I am phasing out my T320 and repurposing my desktop.


Dell T320 is officially decommissioned

Now just figuring out rhel and containers on my forbidden router to handle pihole and a few other things.


Anyone suggest a good tutorial or write up on pfSense HAProxy? I know that people are fans of hosting it in Linode and wireguard back to the LAN. Iā€™d rather not pay for a nanode instance and just use the built in PFSense utility.

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Got Nextcloud up and running behind HAProxy! Now I can put my wildcard cert to use and get all the things accessible from the public internet so I can start to wean myself off of public cloud providers.


Lawrence systems/tech is the only good one Iā€™ve found and it still kicks my ass.

But before I post this and 3 min after you ask:

You are a beast. HAproxy kicks my ass. I got it to work for me once when hosting a site, didnā€™t take notes, have no idea how I did it and when I tried to do the same for my vaultwarden I just gave up and did the reverse proxy thing on synology and port forwarded.


Ended up using like two different tutorials and the had to troubleshoot Nextcloud because it didnā€™t like being behind a reverse proxy.


Yeah, fuck nextcloud reverse proxy stuff.


Yeah, IDK why they decided to make the config.php stuff so obtuse. Like, why should I have to specify that it is OK to connect via ip address. If I ma try to connect I am trying to connect. Shouldnā€™t matter if it is IP address, DNS, or Reverse Proxy.

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This is an older security model for preventing attacks from a compromised box.

Iā€™m not sure that it holds much water these days because any attacker worth his salt would just spoof the headers.


Interesting. Nextcloud is the only application I have experience with that uses this.

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Iā€™ve seen it in a bunch of applications. IIRC, Trilium does it as well.


First podman container up and running. PiHole. Learning containerization make grug head hurt.


The final form!

Need to keystone the patch cables and do some tidying up but I think this is it for awhile.


May have missed it butā€¦how are you cooling all that heat generating stuff?


Just the A/C in my apartment. The 4u case is just my desktop which is a Ryzen 3600x so not too much power draw there. Dell is a R210 ii which is a power efficient xenon. Maybe when I get brave enough Iā€™ll consolidate everything into the 4U ATX case but I just couldnā€™t bring myself to put the network appliances in the same host as the NAS and VMā€™s.


So youā€™re never closing that door?

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I usually leave it cracked. After getting rid of the T320 nothing there really makes much noise so acoustics arenā€™t an issue.


I have that same rack. :yay:

Is that the 15U version? It looks a bit taller than mine, but I canā€™t really tell.


24U. Been pretty happy with it so far. I got it second hand and got a deal on it so no complaints.

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Nice, yeah mine was a little wobbly before I started putting stuff in it, but it works, and didnā€™t break the bank.

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