I’ve moved to Columbus two years ago and got spectrum Internet along with their default modem/Wi-Fi router combo unit. As my devices started increasing the modem/router couldn’t handle it anymore(I got whole bunch of smart bulbs and outlets, switches, speakers etc). Doing my research I stumbled upon ubiquity which says it can handle 300+ devices. Their Wi-Fi router was out of stuck so I decided to buy this. Just wanna make sure I purchased right things.
The UniFi 6 Enterprise is quite expensive for what you get, I’d rather get a UniFi 6 Lite (Or U6 Pro). 6E still seems too expensive to bother with.
The USIP Router is designed as an ISP router, not a home internet firewall. If you want a switch get a switch, if you want a firewall I’d suggest you instead look at the Ubiquiti Edgerouter series, or look into running your own opnsense box. The Unifi firewall series (Unified Security Gateway) seems to be in the process of getting replaced with the UXG (Next-Generation Gateway), so I would avoid it at this time.
A combo like this costs way less and will out perform Unifi with PFSense/Opensense as the software stack and running the AP standalone.
The UISP Router and the UniFi access point are two entirely different systems and do not integrate with each other. The UISP Router also needs to be set up with a much more complicated UISP controller which Ubiquiti will only host for you if you have 10 devices set up in it, and if you host it yourself requires an Ubuntu or Debian Linux PC. I would return that router as it is not for you in a home setup. The only “UISP” type device for a router worth having for home is the early access UISP COnsole, which hosts the controller inside it, but even still I wouldn’t get it and just stick with UniFI instead.
edit: Also the USIP router has a proprietary 27v passive poe output for connecting to UISP point to point devices and cannot be used to power that wifi access point.
You want to have an entirely UniFi system if you are going with Ubiquiti, which means a Dream Machine Pro or Dream machine Pro SE. The SE comes with a 2.5gb WAN port and gives you two PoE+ ports for connecting wifi access points directly to the router. Note though that you cannot connect the Unifi6 Enterprise Wifi AP to it and get full bandwidth though, as you need a 2.5gb port with that access point to actually make use of the 6E wifi speed. You really should connect that AP to the “Switch Enterprise 8 poe”.
I would return both of those and get just a Dream Machine Pro-SE and two Unifi 6 LR access points. The -SE router is worth getting so you dont have to buy a separate poe switch for your wifi.
If you really want Wifi 6E then you would want these together:
Dream Machine Pro (not SE since you have an additional switch)
Switch Enterprise 8 PoE
Unifi6 Enterprise.
SFP+ 10gb .5m cable
Haha I guess I didn’t do enough research
I thought modem > router > ap would work. Canceling order, thanks guys.
All good, we have all done stuff like that more than once. I cant even count the number of times I thought I understood an issue/solution only to buy everything and find out I missed critical details.
Well, I mean they technically would work if you also bought a poe+ injector for the wifi AP. Though even then you cant use that wifi AP at its full speeds.
The issue is really just that hardware would be a massive pain in the butt to set up for your home situation as the router is not intended for home use. You either have to set up an Ubuntu PC to set up the router and then keep that PC going if you ever want to access your router again, or host the setup software with Ubiquiti in the cloud to do your initial setup but then they will shut down your software and you lose access to your router after a month because you dont have enough USIP devices in your network to meet their policy. Both are way too much work to bother with just to set up and access the router.
Switching to an entirely Unifi setup would be far easier. All you do is plug in the hardware together, get on your smartphone and do the setup, and then if you ever need to you can go into the software and see all kinds of fun stats or make changes by going to unifi.ui.com. The software for Unifi runs inside their router so no need to set up a linux PC for it or any of that crap.
Thank you guys for all the replies and support, what about ubuquitus dream router? It has two Poe ports… if I buy two of their UniFi6 Lite antennas that would increase my range correct? I really like like their UI and just their whole admin panel or whatever you call it.
Ya, that would work fine.
The Dream Router can handle about 600-700mbps of internet speed on it just fyi. It is designed for people with internet less than gigabit. Dream machine Pro is designed for people with over 1gb internet speed.
Awesome, thank you enigma and every1 else.