Twitter forcing new users to supply phone number?

Today I cracked and made a Twitter account after years of avoiding doing so. I followed a few people, tweeted to the ether about how I have twitter as a joke and now I’ve been locked out, claiming I possibly broke the rules and it’s forcing me to link my phone number , something I absolutely refuse.
It’s bad enough that they actively " softlyencourage" you to make an account if you don’t, by throwing up huge splash screens with laughably tiny x’s, along with having an unacceptable extremely buggy mobile site that crosses the line (constantly get rate limited even after not going on the site for a month, pages often refuse to load, forcing hard refreshes every other page visit) this forced data collection is complete BS.

Sounds like you did it to yourself.

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How so?


Following 3 people, maybe 4 (Joe Rogan, 2 hockey accounts and I think Level1? Can’t remember actually) and making a single tweet is against TOS eh? I gave it a scroll through and I don’t see anything I could have done other than possibly aggressive following?
I’m not arguing or anything, just trying to figure this out.

Burner Phone

Not really worth the hassle.

Anyway I sent a support ticket in, hopefully they can resolve this, if I have to give a phone number I refuse all twitter from now on.


I don’t use twitter yet but some people I have on my bookmarks.
I have a feeling allot of things may change in the next year.

google voice number

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seems you goofed because I just did that


desktop twitter*

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I already created the account that way, I’ve been locked out now.

then I’d use a google voice number


We need something more like sharklasers for phone numbers.

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I had the same thing happen when I opened my Twitter; same thing, instant lockout after the first successful post.

I was able to email support and got it unlocked. Haven’t had any problems since.

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A not so much of an update so far. I got an email back, seemingly automated telling me to once again supply my phone number to confirm identity. I replied back to the email (it says to reply if there’s any issues) just saying I can’t supply a phone number.

twitter for me has become mostly useless, literally the only tihng i care about (Fire department Alerts for my house) is now full of random fire department promotional crap or re-sharing of charity whatever that it’s entirely useless to me.

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It subtly telling you not to use it.

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Twitter and Facebook; two corporations selling nothing of any value with a death wish.

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After telling them I have no phone number to supply they gave me my account back.

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I believe there are other alternatives to twitter.

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