Turning off (just) my laptop touchscreen in wayland

So my daily driver is a dell laptop with a great build quality and a shitty touchscreen that freaks out at the slightest whiff of dust. I’ve had situations where working in a room near a fog machine set it off.

I usually just disabled it with xinput, but my distro uses wayland now, and i dont want to completely modprobe out usbhid to stop it from making my laptop intermittently unuseable.

I know the compositor controls input in wayland but budgie doesn’t have touch settings. Anyone know a way I can disable the touchscreen without completely disabling.the usbhid driver?

What model laptop? Some dells allow it to be disabled in the bios.

Its an older latitude, and yeah thats the first thing i checked. (im on mobile atm so i cant check the exacr model #, but it hasnt gotten a bios update since feb. Of last year and it doesnt have the option)

bump. there’s got to be a way to do this. wayland can’t be designed this poorly.

come on yall theres gotta be a way to do this

I want to help you, I just don’t know how :frowning:

I’ve been scouring for a solution and it looks like if your compositor doesn’t have an option for it, there’s no way to interface with the input.

on a related note: Y’all wanna start a patreon to pay distros not to use wayland?