Trying to save a lenovo laptop..need help recongnizing/sourcing chip!

Hi guys , I’m trying to save a laptop( Lenovo Idead pad intel 8th gen i5 ) that a family member passdown to me when it wasn’t working. It seems that the dog chew the power cord and created a short circuit in the cable and killed it. Upon opening the only visible damage is to a Integrated Circuit . Now I am trying to find the IC and its been pretty difficult. Does any one recognize it / knows where I can source it. Thanks in advanced.
Im adding a image of the damaged chip , and a second image of a second chip not damaged which seems to be the same one.
Carlos C.

Looks like 1809 dual op-amps chip to me.
3 pin each plus Vss and Vdd. 8 pins total.
A quick search didn’t show this exact packaging unfortunately.

Thanks for the description Vic! Yeah i have not found any of them online , we are also trying to find one to harvest from another motherboard dad as a plan B , but still no luck on that front either!
Im also hoping that thats the only damaged component. Since everything else seems to be , at least visually, not damaged.
Any other ideas are welcome, just trying to keep a laptop from going to the landfill.

Those two chips aren’t the same, they’re different packages which makes me think the 1809 is just a date code common between the two ICs.

I think your best bet is to find it’s silk screen ID (probably starts with a U followed by a number) and look it up in the motherboard schematic.

Ask on EEVblog Electronics Community Forum - Index maybe someone will recognize.

What exactly is this model? motherboard/power board designation?

@twin_savage ok im going to look for the silk screen info as you said. Any idea where i can find schematics for this kind of board?

@TimHolus thanks for the reference ill ask in eeblog forums !
Its an idea pad , the exact number is 330s-15IKB
also i have picture of the board and the model of the board is visible, which may give a bit more information.
Thanks in advanced for all the help guys!

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Ah it’s actually a Q instead of a U which means its just a transistor, most likely a mosfet (as opposed to a more complicated integrated circuit designated by Q).

According to this forum (has a schematic and diagram)

The magic smokeless chip (Q5902 on diagram) is a PE610SA, which is one of the more OEM oriented chips that mouser or digikey doesn’t have, but the usual Chinese suppliers and even ebay does.


I found this one in AliExpress? what do you guys think? Same one?

Again thanks for all the help so far!

yup, those look like the one.

Thanks alot guys, I ordered the part , it didn’t have the exact same numbering on the top, so for a bit was worried it wasn’t the exact same one. But it was in the end. A friend help me replace it ( don’t have the motor skills lol for such tiny components/soldering skills ) . Apparently it was necessary a couple of simple caps locally sourced and it worked!
Something weird that happen is that the HDD(500gb) and also a optame ssd ( 16gb) that i guess was just configured as an cache for the hdd , both died! Im guessing whatever killd the mossfet also killed both of those! the weirdest part is that the sata interface seems to be ok , since thats that i used for the new installation ( showed in the pic). Windows install first to verify and later i installed Linux Mint to so far so good!


That’s really cool that you got it working again.

Thanks. It was! I had low expectations for saving it, and also mostly was my friend that did the soldering job. But yeah it was super lucky that it was possible to save it! Is not that old and … now its not going to the landfill , i have one test left to make sure everything is working properly , which is testing the m.2 slot.
But everything else seems to be working ok so far.
@twin_savage also help a lot with the reference for the schematics! Thanks a lot man.

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no prob!

It’s good to see people actually making repairs on modern hardware. It often times seems like only the retro gear gets the attention.

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I agree I have taken a bit of a trying to fix everything before sending it to the trash approach, and it’s been pretty interesting so far. I have saved lots of phones and computers. With this laptop specifically I did manage to test the m.2 slot and it was working correctly. I bought a gigabyte 1tb ssd and put in it. I ended up deciding that I did not needed the laptop so I started to look for someone that could use it, and… extra good news, I found a friend whose son needed one for highschool and next year uni. So that’s where it went!


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