Trying to find junk space in my hard drive?

Hello. So I only have a few GB left in my OS (C), and I remember a while ago I found this software that would find what's taking up space in a drive and delete it. I was able to get rid of 20gb last time, but sadly I deleted the app and now can't find it. Does anyone know an software that's similar or the one I'm talking about?

I like windirstat as it shows large files in an easy to see graph, then you can see what's taking up the prescious space?

Ahh that's it! Thanks so much!

you could also go to your temp folder and clear it just type in %temp% in windows search and click on the folder

I use CCleaner and it has been a life saver.

As provided by trooperish, WinDirStat is your answer.

On that note, it can be bundled with a ton of other useful software at your choosing. I encourage you to check out:

Space Sniffer