TrueNAS->VM->Docker->Nextcloud HTTPS Setup for access via VPN


I want to use HTTPS with Nextcloud because i want to test the password manager.
Can’t get it to work, don’t have a lot of experience with HTTPS, **what is important for me is that i don’t want to use a reverse proxy with a https encrypted domain. Instead use a vpn to access my local network & access the HTTPS nextcloud via there to gain access. **

I have been breaking my head over this topic for a few days and only find reverse proxy guides online.

Anyone with experience able to help here?

Much appreciated!

If you want to enable HTTPS on your nextcloud instance behind your VPN you can either a) generate a self signed certificate or b) get a certbot cert with dns challenge. You probably want a valid cert with dns validation (check out the docs) so that you don’t have to deal with certificate trust errors or open a port to the internet.

Because you are using docker, you will most likely you will have to set up a reverese proxy that listens on a vpn address and forwards to your docker container. This will only be accessible on your vpn, and will do the encryption while your nextcloud docker continues to operate more or less as is.

A quick search found a blog post that more or less walks you through the steps: