Trouble Overclocking Gigabyte 7870

Ok i started overclocking my gigabyte 7870. i increased the core clock on AMD Overdrive and it showed up on GPUZ but when i go to the sensors it says the max it gets is 1100mhz (the stock clock)  and on heaven their is the clock speeds in the top corner and it shows my stock speeds. Am i  missing something because when i try and boost the core clock it stays at stock.



That is strange. This might sound stupid, but did you check the enable graphics overdrive option?

Yea it's on Since then i have tried MSI afterburner and nothing. I am pretty confused.

That is strange. Have a sapphire 7870, and heaven shows correct clocks for me. I did notice that profiles will get messed up if you have ccc/sapphire trixx/msi afterburner open at the same time. If you are getting slightely higher scores when changing clocks I would write it up as a bug.

1100Mhz is actualy a large oc on a 7870 considering reference cards are around 900Mhz and the Ghz edition is well around 1Ghz..

From what I have seen, pretty much every 7870 can hit 1100 with no change to voltage.

Well the gigabite WF cards are pretty notorious for the voltage to be locked.

Well this is very confusing because this card is not voltage locked. Here is a screen cap of my overclock. (it's minor because i am testing) and it shows the max speed it got in in GPUz, my max speed on msi afterburner was stock too. WTF.


Voltage looks locked to me...

(power limit is not a voltage adjustment)

Yea I did unlock it nothing but that was at stock should i increase the voltage.

You can try but i doubt it will actualy change the voltage on the card as i sead GB cards are locked down preity hard on the voltage as thay useualy use stock reference pcb's.

Have you got a screen cap of overdrive from the catalyst control center?

Your gpu is set to 1100mhz in overdrive you need to move the slider across then click apply 

It is set at 1110 and i applied that.

shut down msi afterburner when doing so and give your computer a restart haveing 2 differnt overclocking tools open can be messing it up.

Possible. I have a sapphire that has the voltage unlocked but I can only change it through trixx. For whatever reason afterburner doesn't work.

It worked strange since i have restarted my PC many time but i won't argue, thanks for the help guys really appreciate it.

You are running at 1100mhz core now?