Hello everyone. I'm planning on building an amazing gaming PC and setup soon once I save up enough cash. My budget is up to $5000 and I'm hoping it will last a long time. I want a triple monitor set-up, and I've found these Yamakasi Catleaps on eBay for $360 each, so I will probably use those. I'm gonna be using it for pretty much the highest end gaming possible, like Skyrim maxed out with texture and graphical mods. I will probably also record and upload "Let's Play" videos to YouTube in the future. I'm not a noob at PC building, but I'm certainly not an expert, and I would really appreciate some recommendations.
This is what I had planned already:
EDIT: Has been edited to my new components based on your advice. Thanks.
Looks good, but you're going to want video cards with more video memory so that it can handle the 3 monitors better. I would get the 4GB edtions of the GTX 670. Also, the Vertex 4 is slower than the Vertex 3. I would go for a sandforce controller if you're looking for the most amount of speed, although I've heard the Crucial M4's actually do better than Sandforce drives when you update the firmware.
Also, if you're going to be running three of those ultra high resolution monitors in surround, you might want to go all out and do quad SLI.
Yeah, that's what I would do. I would look at a lot of reviews of different SSD's just to see which one is getting the best ratings before I decided on one, but I am really impressed witth the Crucial M4 because it wasn't designed to be an absolute speed demon, but it actually keeps up and exceeds speeds of some (if not all) of the Sandforce drives.
So there's that, and then I would definitely go Quad SLI with 4GB cards because running a resolution of 7680x1440 is going to take a lot of graphics horsepower.
Another suggestion I would make is to not buy Catleap just because it's a Korean manufacturer, and you're not going to have to a warranty if anything goes wrong. I'm not going to tell you to get a really expensive IPS panel from HP, Dell, Samsung, or LG either just because those are usually going to run you between $700 and $1000. There is one company that is in the United States and just released an S-IPS panel with a resolution of 2560x1440 for around $450.
It's called the Nixeus Vue NX-VUE27, and I've been hearing good things from customer reviews so far. I'm actually planning to get one once I get the money together. Here's a link:
Alright guys, here's my new plan. I'm going to start off with just one or two video cards and one monitor, then add 2 more video cards and monitors later when I have the cash. I also changed a few of the parts based on your suggestions. Thanks for all the help.
wouldn't go with a i7 3820. Since you've chosen a H100, something like a i7 2600k would fit better. Sandy bridge is enough imo, you don't really need ivy. Overclock a 2600k and you'll be happy.
I would have to disagree. I can tell a huge difference between Realtek Audio drivers and my ASUS Essence STX. Although if you're getting a nice sound card, you're going to want to get some nice speakers as well.
Hmm...if you're going quad SLI in the future, I would strongly recommend going with custom water cooling. Otherwise at least one of your cards is going to be overheating all of the time. The cards will be so close together that they won't be able to get air into the fans to cool it off.
you could just change that mobo cpu and gpu by simply going with more powerful graphics cards. so get less graphics cards but more powerful ones. with less graphics cards u can stay away from the x79 platform chipsets and instead go with a z77 2600k sandy bridge. Also with only 2 graphichs cards you'll get more air flow and not have to create some sort of crazy cooling system. also youll save alota money heres a really good graphics card that has 6 gb of vram, and is very powerful http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814202005 its rather expensive however seeing how much u wish to spend on vidoe cards thiis would be a better solution. sorry to change your entire build
You don't need to apologize, I was literally just about to post the same thing. Except I was thinking of using 2 GTX 690's. It's expensive, but they should last me for a very long time. I will need to change the motherboard though, which I don't know much about. I'm guessing something like the G1 Sniper should be good, though the colors don't match very well with my case :P
the 690 isnt really the best way to go becuz of its lack of memory also for your motherboard i would highly suggest this beast http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813157328