Trik's version of Rice-Ah-Roni

So I came up with this recipe for Rice-A-Roni some time after watching this video

My version as follows,

2/3 cup Orzo pasta
1 1/3 cup white rice
1 whole onion, diced
1 small red bell pepper diced
1 small orange bell pepper diced
1 small yellow bell pepper diced
butter to taste
salt to taste
pepper to taste
diced garlic, about 4 cloves
5 Bratwurst or other link-sausage/meats
1/2 of a small container of Chili peppers in Adobo sauce
3 cups water or chicken broth
1 can of sweet corn

  1. Dice all vegetables. I added my salt and pepper to the vegetables before cooking, you can wait until after or not. YMMV

  2. Slice Bratwurst/sausage/link-style-meat into thin slices, and place on the bottom of a large heavy skillet, then turn the heat up to medium high. This is a must as we are rendering the fat out of the sausage for use later on in the meal.

  3. Brown Bratwurst/sausage/link-style-meat on both sides, then remove to a strainer over a bowl. Transfer half of fat from bowl back to skillet

  4. Add vegetables to skillet on medium heat. Cook, stirring occasionally until browned.

  5. Remove vegetables to same bowl as Bratwurst/sausage/link-style-meat

  6. Add Orzo to skillet with remaining fat, you might need to add some butter here or in the next step as well. Cook on medium heat, stirring occasionally until somewhat browned.

  7. Add rice to skillet and stir. Cook for a minute or two. Ensure that the rice is well coated in butter and or fat as well as the orzo.

  8. Add one cup of water/broth and stir with a flat edged wooden spoon, to de-glaze the bottom of the pan.

  9. Add vegetables and meat to the pan, be careful not to splash everywhere.

  10. Add remaining broth/water and bring to a low boil, then cover. Reduce heat to a simmer and cook approximately 20 minutes.

Let me know if anyone tries it and likes it. I thought it was pretty damned tasty. Mine came out super spicy and delicious as hell. Normally I don’t like spicy things but this was really good.


Might have to reduce the peppers then, but I’ll definitely give this a try at some point in the near future. (irish fucks like me can’t deal with spice)

Side note, I think this is some good OC that we need more of.

Yeah I generally don’t like spicy things either. But the chili peppers in adobo sauce is really tasty. It’s now overpoweringly spicy either. I just can’t handle much spicy food. I think horseradish and mustard are spicy lol

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I might be able to handle this then. I’m about the same as you.

For a week

I’ll give it a try in the near future.

Definitely give the peppers a taste before adding them. They are spicy and that does dilute a bit. The sauce they’re in is equally as spicy. But it tastes damned good.

I got ones that were already diced in a jar. The canned ones are whole chili peppers so you might want to dice them if that’s what you get.