Transposed Keys are driving me NUTS! (Corsair & Razer)

Eesh, that's rough. I just had a look, and those are two entirely different layouts. You could carry a Belgian 88 keyless around, if you have such a thing there, but that would suck too.

There is no difference in responce to shift for these keyboards, though.

Normal keyboards, shift+2 is @.

Razer keyboards, shift +2 is STILL @.

It's purely cosmetic.

You wouldn't buy a keyboard with blank keys if you didnt know how to touch-type.

So don't buy razer keyboards if you dont know where the @ symbol is, is my point.

EDIT: Also, I just want to say that I'm sorry if I'm coming off as trying to argue. I really just don't understand the reasoning behind being so upset that one manufacturer has an off design.

One, blackout keyboards are a hard opt-in, and two, there's no warning on the box stating this is non-standard, making it an easy mistake to buy it without noticing.

Imagine that you aren't familiar with the keyboard, and aren't an expert typist, and go to type a password that you normally have to look at the keyboard to complete - problem. Or you grow up with one of these around, then go to school, where standard layouts are everywhere, another problem. I suspect there will be more complaints to come from others.

You’re right 100% ! Just bought such a keyboard and it is practically unusable for someone that works in a multi-keyboard environment.
Some dumbo switched the numbers with the signs. Eg 7 above &
Whilst the behavior is : If you press the shift key you get the upper one, otherwise the lower one.
Well that is messed up by some design freak here. Especially when working in an multi-keyboard environment this is a big thing, lots of typo’s !
So please send me the right keycaps and i’ll start using that keyboard again.

To those who say something like “just learn to type.” We know how to type. Your argument suggests that there is no reason for a lighted keyboard. Standards exist for a reason.

Please learn to not necro