Traffic cameras in Victoria infected by WannaCry ransomware

State government says 55 cameras were affected after a contractor introduced the virus to the system by mistake.

Approximately 55 traffic cameras in Victoria have been infected with the WannaCry ransomware, according to the Victorian department of justice.

Intersection and highway cameras across the state have been affected by the malware, which caused chaos around the world by attacking the British National Health Service and other organisations in May.
What is WannaCry ransomware and why is it attacking global computers?
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A department spokesman said all 55 cameras had been “operating correctly and accurately” while infected, but that the issue had been referred to the road safety camera commissioner.


Coulldnt happen to a nicer PC.


Some Attack vectors are better than others. Need to start a red light camera revolution

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Someone should construct a red light camera botnet and use it to DDOS red light camera contractors and the dopey local governments which hire them.

Oh, the irony!