Last night i found this "Tone deaf test" and after completing it several times i got scores of around 86.
Jake Mandell (the author of the test) writes: "The test is purposefully made very hard, so excellent musicians rarely score above 80% correct. Give it a try!"
This made me wonder if this test is representative at all. So could someone with more experience on audio/music give some insight?
Knowing myself and the scores that I got- I call this BS.
I got 88.9% correct and I messed up twice at least because of not paying attention. It's more of a memory test/attention test really, the midi instrument choice is terrible and examples are too long and differences are obvious unless you are really tonedeaf. I'm a music school student, supposedly had 12 years lessons.
Yes and no, I'm half serious, what the hell do they care of your race? What differences are they hoping to discover?? There's no point in asking for it if you're promoting "race tolerancy".