To help a student

Hey guys!

Been a while since ive been on this forum, but I am about to undertake a double degree in business and IT (majoring in networking and security) and would like to know if anyone here has any experience and would have any tips, comments, etc they would like to share for someone just about to start! I have an interest in networking, own two personal servers and wish to pursue the idea of server architect / just generally working with servers and networking, preferably on a large / enterprise scale ideally. Also probably wise to mention I’m Australian, although the relevance of that will depend on what you say :slight_smile:

Anyway, cheers!

@DeusQain is the one to ask about this :stuck_out_tongue:


Did someone say my name?


And lo, Aremis called forth the God of Qain in the name of… Burrito?

–New Tek-stament 123:393

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My advice: Start working now. Before you graduate. Anything, even help desk, whatever… something that establishes that you are a reliable employee. It’s easier to get a job when you have a job. And it’s easier to get in on the bottom level. You don’t graduate college and start out as enterprise architect or security officer. You gotta go through the ranks.


Yup, most people I’ve talked to is start with helpdesk (even with a degree you are still going to get stuck there) and if you really want to embellish your resume + open new doors, would probably look into getting a ccna/ccnp.

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Not sure what the job market it like in Australia, however, if you need to when you finish your degree, move. You can always live where you want to live in a few years, but you may lose out on very good opportunities if your not willing to move to them.

Does Australia do placements like the UK? (summer placements, 1 year placements before your final year, etc.) If so, look at getting something like that early so you can secure something. If you take any advice above about getting a crappy help desk side job, be willing to give it up for a good placement, the relevance of a placement in the field you want to be in far outweighs a helpdesk.

University is an opportunity to learn without repercussions, while there its considered your “job”, treat it like that, and make use of all the time it gives you to explore things, grow, and learn.

This is a good clip that descibes uni that i think is correct

Look at what companies do graduate programs for when you finish uni, if you can find a good one, get a placement with them before you finish uni, there more likely to take you on after you finish.

@Big_Al_Tech I disagree somewhat. Maybe it is dependant on country but with a technical degree there’s zero reason you should end up in a helpdesk job (unless your definition if helpdesk is different?). Or well, maybe i should change that to saying, there’s no way you should end up purely in an entry level 1st/2nd line helpdesk role, depending on the type of job you go for.

A good company that did have a grad in networking would probably put them into a mix of L2 support on projects or internal, and onto projects as a networking guy for design and build, or just purely design and build.

Most grads I know who do any sort of support, are generally supporting systems they have built as 3rd line support.

Australia does do internships and grad programs


That is very true, I am in silicon valley area, so many tech related jobs have pretty heavy competition. That being said I’m not trying to say he will get a low end tech job, just that a degree with out job experience can only get you so far at the start.

Take my comments with a grain of salt, but keep getting experience and expanding your repertoire and you will have a successful future :slight_smile:

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Yeah I’ve been wondering that, I currently have a job now (At a drone store, yeah its a bit odd but there you go), but I might be looking into that, any recommendations as to finding a job or an apprenticeship or where to look, etc?

I’ve considered looking into those but haven’t just yet, im also considering getting registered as a data cabler perhaps for here in Australia but not sure just yet and cant seem to figure it all out yet, but thats a forum topic for another day :slight_smile:

That’s alot to look into but I’ll have a look at it all, I am still sorting it all out, but I do think I’ll try and follow the advice of everyone here and just try and get a job, I do also have a cert II in telecommunications which might help a bit? but yeah thanks all for all the advice, its really helping alot!

This part of the video really spoke to me.

“… unite with it, if you don’t do that, then well you’re defenseless in the face of tragedy of life and then that’s not so good because if you’re defenseless in the the tragedy of life then you would get way more hurt than you would otherwise get and so do the people around you and then the probability that you’re going to be resentful and bitter about that is really high because no one likes to fail continually. Then you get bitter and resentful and then once you’re bitter and resentful, being vengeful and mean is the next step…”

This happened to me.

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