To 21:9 or not to 21:9

So, I've been looking for a monitor to go along with my new PC, and my eyes fell upon the 25" 2560x1080 LG 25UM55. 

I've been reading up on the aspect ratio, but my question is, since I'll be using this for gaming as well as productivity, I want to hear what you guys think, is it a hassle to game on 21:9? Do many games need manual tweak to run at this aspect ratio ?  

I have LG 29UB65 with same aspect ration, resolution and 29" of screen size. Games work ok by default, most of them even identify correct resolution and display the image without any tinkering. For productivity its a joy. Mine have also a pivot (I think its what its called) so you can rotate it. Image is sharp, fast, no noticable delays. If you play something that does not support this resolution, you will end up with 2 black bars on sides but everything else will work.

I got a korean one and I returned it because there was a small crack. It was neat for a day or two. It's not worth $300 imo. 

it's neat when it works and a bitch when it doesn't

If you want it.  If it does not work in a game play at 1920x1080 with black bars then it basically a 23in 1080p monitor when you need the compatibility and ultra wide 1080 the rest of the time.

My LG 25UM64-s is fantastic, no regrets getting it.

Also, I posted some screenshots in this thread if that helps at all:

There are very few games that I haven't been able to get to run at 2560x1080 nicely, Skyrim being one of them (some of the menus such as inventory get cut off).

I just made the transition from a dual monitor setup to a 29inch 21:9 monitor. It was so worth it, especially for gaming. Highly recommended.


I've had the Dell variety for well over a year. I mean, it's nice. But I'm thinking of getting a nice 1440P screen to replace it. As mentioned, most games do support it, however, it's FAR from perfect. Because the camera is made for a 16X9 screen, the edges stretch, makes things look really weird and distorted. It is a tough choice. 

I got 21:9 Lg29um65 for $400 CAD and although overpriced, I can't go back to 16:9. For games its amazing and I have yet to find a game that doesn't support the resolution. The only thing is basically all youtube videos are 16:9, but I have a second monitor that I use for videos and the like. Totally worth it IMO.