Titanfall Discussion - Was it Capable of Putting Call of Duty in the dirt once and for all?

I want your opinions on this cause i had this discussion with one of my close friends, but After i told him the game was going to be almost like Call of Duty. he didn't believe me, he bought the game today then returned it after a couple of hours of game-play and he finally admitted i was right (He's a Console Gamer)

Here are my thoughts

I believe Titanfall was capable of putting Call of Duty in the Dirt but what Stopped it was these reasons

  • Respawn Entertainment (Former Infinity Ward Employees) could of put More realism and Customization in the game, and make the game LESS like Call of Duty but Didn't (what i mean by that is, Bullet Drop, Destructible Environments, gun packs [DLC] and all that Goodness) but from Creators of the Modern warfare and my experience with those specific games in the call of duty franchise i kinda predicted this was going to happen.


  • Respawn Entertainment Kinda Fucked themselves over by Going Exclusive for the Xbone (yes I'm aware the game is also on PC) however if they wanted to expand as a company and do more they would of been smart and released it for all Platforms.


Basically to Sum up my Points

If the Game had Destroyable Environments, Gun Realism like Bullet Drop and more realistic mechanics, and if the Game was Available on all Platforms I think the game would of Been a much more success that it is. (Activision would of had something to worry about for once).

I want to be clear I don't think the game is bad but Playing the game for a little bit i still felt i was playing a call of duty game.

So what are your opinions, Do you think I'm Spot on with this?

I don't think the game will kill/end CoD, but it will attract a lot of the same audience. People (think they) like CoD too much to say goodbye to the whole franchise. Just because people play Titanfall doesn't mean they will stop playing CoD, as the two are not mutually exclusive.

It definitely feels like a step in the right direction as far as AAA console games go. As similar as it is to CoD, it is so much better than the garbage that the last 3-5 CoD games have been. It would mean that innovation IS possible within AAA titles and might encourage other AAA devs to do the same.

I do think it's lack of Playstation version hurt it a bit. However I have to differ with you on your points about realism - if you want a realistic shooter, don't you just go play battlefield? or even arma if you're on PC?

Personally I found Titanfall really boring and incredibly overhyped. But then again I get even more bored playing Call of Duty. So I suppose it's a step in the right direction.


Respawn Entertainment Kinda Fucked themselves over by Going Exclusive for the Xbone (yes I'm aware the game is also on PC) however if they wanted to expand as a company and do more they would of been smart and released it for all Platforms

i think it was because microsoft just gave them a butload of cash to develop Titanfall exclusively for them to get more people to buy Xbox ones.   Think of this, your a startup studio making one of the most anticipated games of 2014, microsoft comes over and gives you shit tons of cash to make it only for them.  So mush cash to probably cover development.  You would probably take the deal.

Speaking of gameplay, I don't know so I can't really say. 

well i mention realism is because over the years call of duty has gone down the drain, and coming from Respawn they could at least learned what people hate about COD all these years and do something new, not to say that titanfall isn't new its really nice. but overall gameplay mechanics the gameplay from titan-fall to call of duty is almost identical (thats if the Parkour and Giant Robots weren't in the picture)

yes true but lets say for example if Titanfall was on all platforms you were sick of call of duty and you were aware that Respawn (Ex-Infinity Ward) were making a new franchise wouldn't you like to try something new overall?  than to stick to the same copy and paste call of duty? I think Respawn could of done more at least in the littlest details (Like the Realism and Destructible Environments) and gone all out than to take the same call of duty Formula and mechanics but add giant robots and parkour.

I think it will challenge the idea of CoD. the feel is similar. the gtapohics are good. I enjoy the game play as its different!

As far as I can tell from COD's side, they're actually starting to die in their new releases, cause just from seeing how Ghosts is doing, it's not doing well on the scale of COD games as far as I can tell, Matchmaking on PC takes quite some time compared to older CoD titles. Maybe people are finally getting sick of them? Or maybe Ghosts is really that much of a flop that people are actually holding back until the next one.

Also, the lock down isn't anything new, microsoft probably saw the game and was thinking "OOH A NEW EXCLUSIVE TO SELL MORE CONSOLES" with how much they're being killed by Sony in sales, (nearly double the sales on Sony's side last report I saw.) Like how many people do you think bought a 360 just because Halo was on it? Test the waters in both microsoft markets and go with the one that sells more, and make people who love the series that played on PC buy a 360 so they can play the new ones. I know many friends who played on PC and bought a 360 when they succumbed to microsoft not allowing Halo 3 to go on to PC. If Titan fall can gather just as much hype from the general consumer gamers then they may do the same thing.

to be truthful when i gamed on consoles I bought my Xbox 360 just FOR halo lol but after more and more releases that game Died down too in my opinion. However i just wished Respawn put more effort in the little details than to grab the same call of duty formula and add giant robots and parkour.