I’m looking for feedback and ideas from other enterprise admins who have dealt with taking a big corporate machine that’s done things one-way, in person for decades and decades, and is now diving head first into doing things online.
The public organization I support is diving head first into streaming meetings, and interacting with the public virtually rather than in person. US federal and state Open Meetings Act applies to our meetings, so that makes things a bit more interesting.
We’re signing up with ZOOM.us, and also have created a Facebook community page.
My plan is to ask those wanting to make public comment to connect to the Zoom meeting before it starts and using the “waiting room” feature of Zoom. When the public comment time slot comes up, I can move each participant waiting one at a time into the main meeting for them to speak their peace, and then disconnect them when they’re done.
The Facebook live stream is going to be view only, with comments disabled.
For equipment I have a HP mini with 16gb, i7-9700, a 1080p camcorder, a Zoom microphone, an Elgato HD60 capture card and a StreamDeck Mini. This will likely be setup in a meeting room for the Chairman and clerk to use, with everyone else being remote.