Just wondering if anyone has a Gigabyte WRX80-SU8-IPMI, or ASUS SAGE WRX80E WIFI Board. If so what GPUs have they managed to successfully run on it? Any promising non-gaming workstation cards?
I’m prospecting for suggestions for compatibility reasons from a recent post I made.
More broadly speaking has anyone used AMD Workstation GPUs on such boards?
I’ve ran a AMD Mi100, A100,Titan V and a Nvidia T1000 on My TR PRO 3945 Lenovo p620, and also tried them on a 3975 at work with the ASUS WX80 Board didn’t have any issues if I recall.
I’m running quad GPU (4 x EVGA Kepler Titans) on the ASUS WRX80E.
Note: these are old PCIe gen3 cards, and on first boot with 1 card, it was not detected. Switching back to the onboard VGA, I set [PCIe gen3 mode] for all slots in the BIOS, after which all four cards were detected. Happy to report all 4 GPUs are now running MPI CUDA kernels at full speed.