Thoughts I want to share [edited]

edit, please just read replies, this topic has changed. a lot, very fast.

This already exists and has nothing to do with SMT or why itā€™s useful?
Minus the 7ghz boost. We canā€™t reasonably hit those clockspeeds on a single core, SMT or no, because physics. These thoughts you have, have been had by the important people, and are ubiquitous in modern CPUs. I know I see my 5950x at anywhere from 1.7ghz to 4.9ghz. 960T could be anywhere from 0.8 to 4ghz. 4690k, 0.8 to 3.9ghz. I see mobile processors get as low as 50mhz on parts that can boost as high as 2-3ghz.

SMT/HyperThreading is just a way to run two or more commands on a single core at the same time, because thereā€™s a lot of the core being left unused at any given time otherwise.


Could you give some more details of your idea, Iā€™m not getting the full picture of what youā€™re trying to say.

Though you need to keep in mind that modern CPUs are too easily stalled. Simple events like branch prediction failures or reading memory that isnā€™t cached will cause 10s-100s of cycles of stalling. SMT/HT is one nice technique to prevent this issue, allowing one thread to progress while another is stalled.

SMT/HT is also a nice way of adding more compute power to a CPU without needing a full core, making the CPU cheaper.

I donā€™t see how adding more FPU to a CPU is going to prevent task stalling, and remove the benefits of SMT/HT. Here is a rough flowchart of operations in a Zen 1 core (Source), there is far more in there than just an FPU.

you got hung up on the speed. [X]-Ghz to [Y]-Ghz is not the important thing, itā€™s how fast each core can change that speed.

alsoā€¦ I had no idea that maybe it could be possible to have both.

I was going on the generally excepted ā€œfactā€ (note no one ever told me this was true, or ever told me it was fake, I just heard it being said) that: ā€˜Disable smt to overclock really fast on ln2ā€™ *I have no idea if that is true.

bottom line: my idea is: Change the Ghz of a CPU faster per task to tighten the ā€œtimingā€ on a CPU more like a RAM module and I thought (besides having no idea to leave smt on for this) that a FPU in the FSB could do this on a hardware level faster than eating up instructions on the CPU cycle to control something like this.

no no no, you are hung up on the wrong details both of you are, itā€™s about how FAST you can change the clock speed.

Also, turns out, you can leave smt/ht alone while doing thisā€¦ I had no idea you could do both.

Yeah, the thing is, Iā€™m saying, they already do that. They change frequency these days many many times per second. Zen3 can change CPU frequency 500 times per second at stock settings. Iā€™d be surprised if Zen4 wasnā€™t at least that fast at changing clocks.

The modest gains to overclocking headroom by disabling SMT arenā€™t for improving performance, or everyone would already do that on air, because CPUs already boost as high as they can go within their target power, and thereā€™s nothing different about performance scaling at differing temperatures.
Itā€™s the same as disabling extra cores, just so you can put more power budget into a single core, to hit a higher target frequency without crashing, and so you can claim that your mhz was higher than the other guyā€™s mhz, not even that you got more arbitrary performance metric points in a given software, just that technically the number of clock cycles was higher and it didnā€™t crash.

This really is already the norm. Some engineers thought of this probably close to half a century ago, and itā€™s been implemented and improved upon ever since. Your phone couldnā€™t function without it.
Like, I donā€™t want to sound rude or anything, itā€™s cool that you thought of that on your own, and you should continue thinking about things and learn more about processors and stuff, but someone else beat you to this one by quite a long time.

Also, thatā€™s not really how RAM works, but RAM is also very interesting stuff, so you should probably look into that and learn interesting things about it as well.
I recommend this video series on it.

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so, your saying Iā€™m only as dumb as the smart people who came up with this first?

Iā€™ll accept that.


I donā€™t remember you talking about that in your original post. Itā€™d be helpful if you could state your ideas in a more concrete way, itā€™s hard to follow your thoughts and what conclusion youā€™re trying to reach.

If youā€™re talking about changing power state as fast as possible (since frequencies are direct consequences of power states), Intel CPUs have been controlling p-states, c-states and frequency from the CPU for quite a few generations (since skylake?), so this kind of stuff is already going on. On Intel CPUs itā€™s called HWP.

Documentation for this is a little slim, this stuff might help:

With CPU/GPU design everything is a compromise on top of a compromise. (Just look at AMD Bulldozer or Intel Arc). Making one part faster may improve some workloads, but not others.

This? isā€¦ Where has the internet been hiding that??? how do you obtain this?

@cowphrase ?

Chuckle and tell you to google ā€œthc-p stateā€ you can leave safe mode on, this is not that kind of joke, itā€™s clean, but still funny.

(only a joke, Iā€™m just in shock by your answer, do you know how odd this is that no one talks about what CPU-P-STATE Controll is, sure EVERYONE tells you it exists for some ā€œoverclockā€ guide. but never why we should care! What? it does that???)

Mobile computers: Phones, Tablets, laptops, have all pushed the power saving states forwards, and desktops have benefitted from it.

Even these ā€œEfficiency coresā€ is like the big-little popularised by mobile (even if some desktops had them a while in niche)

Oh ha, I didnā€™t see that one. Reminds me of innocent programmer grads searching for ā€œC Stringā€ on the internet, and getting undergarments instead of programming resources.

There are so many details that go into a modern computer, but theyā€™re all hidden behind abstractions. If you want your mind blown you should watch Ben Eater build computers from scratch. He builds a basic GPU, and talks to a USB keyboard, all with bread boards and very simple chips.

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