This Is The Most Bizarre PC Issue I've Faced Yet... Help/Advice/Tips/Suggestions/Recommendations Appreciated! (UPDATED 10-18-20)

My recommendation is to move on. Learn to use Ublock orgin / privacy badger / https Everywhere/ no script ect… Plenty of options and alternatives. Maybe revisit adGuard later after updates. Personally did not think that much of the software to start with. Good thing is that there are several options available .

If you use such add ons expect breakage from time to time. The ability to manually config or adjust said addons is important.

Quite true. But I personally feel like we should have more better options if you know what I mean.

Its arms race…Companies do not what people to block their ads but nobody wants to look at an ad bloated web page :slight_smile: Sometimes the addons fall behind.