Ever since I got on my Sonic The Hedgehog kick/obsession last year, I have to admit that the movie is what started it all which then lead me to check out the games. TBH, I feel like I kind of got on the bandwagon a little late due to how my life has played out so far, but I figured “Hey, you only live once. Better late than never.” I honestly had no idea that this would turn into my new hobby & change me as a person, but it did & I admit I’ll never be the same.
I have reached a point where I want to give something back to the world in my own unique way: making a mix (maybe more than 1) for everyone who’s a Sonic fan on Youtube to enjoy in light of the icon blue blur’s 30th anniversary! If any of you have read my past posts here, then you’ll remember that I don’t own every single game in the Sonic series, nor have I yet played all the games on my wishlist.
I have gone as far as to give a listen to a few mixes on Youtube that caught my eye to give me some inspiration, but I want some recommendation/suggestions from any die-hard Sonic fans out there. Like what the best games are out there that are most played/loved & which soundtracks have received the most love/spotlight/recognition/praise, etc. If I get plenty of votes/opinions/suggestions/recommendations or even just general discussion, that would definitely help me to form a proper tracklist for a mix or 2!
This topic itself was meant to be a merge of General Discussion/Poll, but I’m not really sure if 2 topics can be combined like that here on the forum. But I hope to hear back from you guys on this. Let me know what you would suggest, what your thoughts are, if you have any stories, etc. I’d love to be further inspired for this little project of mine!
If any of you feel the need to ask me anything or need more details, you know what to do & I’ll get right back with you!
Thanks in advance everyone & I look forward to hearing from you!