Thinking of building a $1200 pc

Ok thanks for de info :)

The 8350 is not better... lots of benchmarks show that. 

The 8350 is better than the 3570k, but not the 4670k.. unless you are talking about very intensive 8 thread tasks like rendering or transcoding, but these tasks are continuous load tasks. The 4670k is faster in games and and everything other than full load 8 thread tasks.

Except that games are transitioning to 8 threading so the 8350 is pulling ahead of the 4670k again ;)

Im sorry, but games doing do intensive 100% load on cores, so I am not wrong. Show me a benchmark. I am not trying to be a jerk or anything, but I was involved in a lengthy thread where I was proven wrong. I used to believe what you thought, but the improvements to the i5-4670k over the 3570k improve the information passthrough of the processor over that of the 8350, even when using 8 threads, UNLESS the tasks involved constant 100% load of the CPU on 8 threads such as transcoding, rendering and other non-gaming tasks like that.

What you are saying is 100% true for the i5-3570k, but not the newer i5-4670k.

Here is the thread with lots of links:

It's a lot to read through, but there it is. And if you find benchmarks to prove me wrong, please post them.