Things that can make a computer unusable using cmd?

Is there anything you can do inside the command prompt to make windows unusable or the computer itself?

Deleting the directory "System32" via cmd using the deletion command.

What's the deletion command?

/kill player

ill tell u an easy way :)

to do this !

just add take onwner ship .reg

off this site

after u have installed .reg file 

right click system 32 folder take ownership

a cmd pannel will open let it do its job after a sec its done

then just shift+ delete the folder

job done :) 

and if u wanna remove take ownership use this



Yeah, deleting System32 is the best way to brick the PC.



I plan on bricking some of the PC's in schools for the lulz.

Are you asking because you want to make the PC unuseble or because you want to play around in cmd but don't want to break anything?

Hiren's Boot CD.

Master Boot Record editor.

Delete MBR.





Alternatively, you could also enter the BIOS flash mode, and pull the power plug once it starts to erase the blocks. That can be done from CMD console or from the OS with the MOBO's software.

ipconfig /release

Good prank. Deleting system32 is a bit fucked up, guys. We don't even know his intentions. 

Downloading a virus helps.

lmao, remember or something like that. funny ol'days...

Fork bomb that shit with a batch file. :D

Not only once, but twice.