Things Ryan can't say

Hi, I’m the Richard Head, CEO of ESG Equalicare, LLC. It’s come to our attention that one of the cast on your news reading show “Ryan” didn’t get the e-mail about things he’s not allowed to say as, they are offensive. So it’s been included here.

“Western Digital Black”

You are not allowed to say the name of this product tier. It is okay to say WD, and model number. A student who will remain, unnamed saw a video and was extremely offended by targeted comments, when warrantlessly mentioning of “Western Digital Blacks”. They have friends who would be offended by this. This language is racist and has no place in today’s society.


This is the primary sword. People who play video games, (we also do not condone the use of the hate speech “gamer” as it assumes gender and sexual identity) have been asking me to have this hate speech object removed, as it is phallic and imposes the idea that a phallus is required or ever wanted.

“Arnold Schwarze-nword”
Arnold Schwarze-nword is the correct term to use. We tried to have him change his name, but he said he wouldn’t fold like James Cameron and this call is now terminated.

“The artist formerly known as Prince”

As you have frequently stated you are older, you may feel it is okay to target female celebrities. This is the only acceptable way to mention the stunning, and brave woman of color that this symbol they chose for their name. We do not make things about race, or accept bullying and have successfully gotten Nintendo to remove all hatespeech from their Nintendo Switch original release of Paper Mario.

Also, there is no need for this website, “tech support” or the greenhouse gases produced as

“Macs do not get virii.” – Richard Head, CEO of ESG Equlicare, LLC.

If you thought this was real you’re part of the problem.



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Oh damn I thought I logged onto Twitter for a second.


What is a nice thing Ryan could say when someone cuts him off driving ?

When someone cuts you off while driving, it can be frustrating and even dangerous. However, it’s important to keep your cool and respond with kindness. Here are a few nice things you can say when someone cuts you off while driving:

  1. “I hope you have a safe and pleasant journey.”
  2. “I forgive you. Let’s both focus on driving safely.”
  3. “No worries, it happens to the best of us. Let’s just stay alert on the road.”
  4. “I hope you’re not in a hurry, and can take your time driving safely.”
  5. “Let’s both be more mindful of each other’s safety on the road.”

Remember, responding with kindness can help diffuse a potentially dangerous situation and make the roads safer for everyone.

Yer Ryan can’t say that :slight_smile:

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not sure if trolling

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I thought this was going to be something like the blink 182 30 second song.

(youtube it if you want)

If I was trolling with a Chat GPG ?